This past weekend our family went out of town and stayed overnight in a hotel room. Since we've cancelled our cable tv several months ago, it is always a novelty to turn on the hotel room tv and see what's on. Well, we took in a program that profiled a couple who owned several de-scented skunks. They had rescued/purchased them from a fur farm and then, spared no expense to ensure these skunks had a good life. The woman even stated, "If I need a new pair of tennis shoes and one of my skunks is sick and needs medicine, I just go barefoot for a while." Clearly, the skunks are Priority One for these people. In the final scene of this show, the man hugged the skunks to his chest and said, "People are not going to understand our love for these beautiful creatures and that's okay."
I didn't know whether to laugh (like my kids did) or cry. Later, in the car, we talked about it a little. Romans 1:25 came up. "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen."
We had a little fun "barbecuing" these folks for their skunk-fetish. I thought about it later though. I do the same thing. Okay, maybe not with skunks. However, just about every day, I choose to worship God's creation in some fashion rather than God, the Creator. I don't even realize it. Mostly, I worship myself and my needs and my wants and desires. They surely take precedent over others on a daily basis.
These folks were thrilled with their skunks and prized them above all things. What do I get excited about? What thrills my heart? Is it God and His Son Jesus? Or is it some poor earthly substitute?
Living coram Deo -- before God's face -- today, asking Him to cleanse my heart so that I prize Him above all things?? It's a question I too rarely ask myself.
Just something to think about.